Stalin Leaves A Note For His Children In 1935
Very rare playful note, dated April 18, 1935, written by Joseph Stalin to his eight and eleven year old children, daughter Svetlana ("Setanks") and son Vasily ("Vasya"). In indelible red pencil he writes a charming note hinting at his Communist background: "Setanka and Vasya! I send you sweets, which were received by your mother from Grandmother from Tiflis (Stalin's old home where he studied theology). Divide them in equal parts, please no fighting. You can make a treat of whatever you want." Stalin played a game with his daughter where he pretended to be her secretary and she would issue him orders. Signed, "Secretary of Setanka, J.Stalin." Svetlan Stalin published this letter in her 1967 book, "Twenty-One Letters To a Friend." This is the original document.
Stalin's Mother who lived in Tiflis (referred to in the letter above)