MacArthur Asks that His Candidacy At The 1952 Republican Convention Be Withdrawn
After General MacArthur was relieved of his command in 1951 by President Truman for insubordination, he returned to the United States In 1952 to a tumultuous welcome from the American people. Parades were held in his honor throughout the country and he delivered a farewell address to a joint session of the United States Congress. The following year, the America First Party, which wasn't much of a party, nominated MacArthur for President of the United States and Harry F. Byrd for vice president. The Christian Nationalist also nominated MacArthur for president with Jack Tanner of California as his running mate. MacArthur had not consented to being nominated by these parties. No one took the nominations seriously, least of all MacArthur who wrote this letter asking that his nomination at the Republican National Convention be withdrawn from consideration. The General was then living with his wife Jean ans son Arthurat the Waldorf-Astoria in NYC.