President Roosevelt Inscribes Photograph To Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins

Appointed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt as Secretary of Labor, Frances Perkins became the first woman to serve in a President's cabinet. She knew FDR from the time he was Governor of New York and picked her to head up previously from the time he picked her to head up New York State's Industrial Relations Department. Along with Harry Hopkins, she became a trusted confidant of FDR. Perkins worked hard to improve the country's labor conditions. She played an important part in the development of Roosevelt's New Deal programs. Perkins also fought for laws to set minimum wages and contributed to the creation of the Social Security system through her role on the President's Committee on Economic Security. She stayed in her position until 1945. After his second Inauguration on January 20, 1937, the President presented each of his Cabinet Officers with with a framed lithograph of the Inauguration of the 7th President of the United States Andrew Jackson, at The Heritage in 1829. FDR inscribed the presentation piece, "For Frances Perkins, with my affectionate regards, FDR."