General MacArthur's Tokyo Headquarters Honor Guard, 1945
Comprised of men hand-picked for the assignment, General MacArthur's Honor Guard was one of the most important and visible parts of the General's official family during the closing months of WWII and throughout the Occupation of Japan. The members of this elite unit were selected based on their military bearing, intelligence and physical stature. Every combat Division of the U.S. army in the Pacific was represented in its ranks. They had to be the best of the best because they were entrusted to provide security not only for MacArthur himself and his Headquarters but for his family as well. The unit maintained a strength of about 200 officers and men and continued on after the General's departure from Japan. Nearly 2,000 men served in MacArthur's Honor Guard during its six-year existence. Upon completion of service, members received this attractive scroll, signed personally by MacArthur. This document was issued to Sergeant Arthur Steinhilb who served in the Honor Guard in 1945.