"Short Snorter" Signed By Three Of Doolittle's Raiders

The Doolittle Raid of April 18, 1942 was the first U.S. air raid to strike the Japanese home islands during WWII. The mission is notable in that it was the only operation in which the U.S. Army Air Forces bombers were launched from an aircraft carrier into combat. The raid demonstrated how vulnerable the Japanese home islands were to air attack just four months after their surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. While the damage inflicted was slight, the raid significantly boosted American morale while setting in motion a chain of Japanese military events that were disastrous for their long-term war effort. Eighty-five men, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel James Harold "Jimmy" Doolittle, in 5-man crews piloted the 16 B-25 bombers that attacked Japan. This 10-Yen Japanese banknote is signed by three of the Doolittle airmen who participated in the raid - the Co-Pilot of the 1st aircraft (Piloted by Colonel Doolittle ), Lt. R.E. Cole, the Navigator of the 3rd Aircraft, Lt. C.J. Ozuk, and the Navigator of the 6th Aircraft, Lt. C.J. Nielson. Someone has printed "TOKYO RAID" and "DOOLITTLE RAIDER" on the currency.

One of Doolittle's Raiders Captured By The Japanese