OGPU Secret Police Chief Lavrenti Beria Orders An Arrest In 1926
In 1926 Lavrenti Beria became head of the Georgian Secret Police (OGPU). It was during this time that Sergio Ordzhonikidze introduced him to Stalin. As a result, Beria became an ally in Stalin;s rise to power. During his years at the helm of the Georgian OGPU, he effectively destroyed the intelligence networks that Turkey and Iran had developed in the Soviet Caucasus, while successfully penetrating the government of these countries with his agents. he also took over Stalin's holiday security. This rare 1926 document in the Georgian language, on the stationary of the "Transcaucasian Extraordinary Commission" is an arrest order for a 28-year-old peasant from the Tiflis Region of Georgia "convicted for purchase of stolen goods - sale of stolen goods and caught red-handed in such acts....to prevent escape from investigation and court proceedings: place under arrest." Signed, Chief of ZChK (Transcaucasian Exxtraordinary Commission), "LAVRENTI BERIA."