Trotsky Attacks Artillery Plant Workers Union, 1918

May 18, 1918 letter to Commissar for Military Affairs Comrade Trotsky from the head of the Russian Federated Republic Workers in Artillery Plants. The president and vice-president of the union are complaining to Trotsky about his negative opinion of the union and Trotsky's plan to appoint a troika to administer their affairs. The writers ask Trotsky to hold a meeting with them and if Trotsky refuses, the committee will withdraw its support of the Soviets. Trotsky has drawn a large arrow to the sender's address from the beginning of his response with "return to sender" written in his hand. Trotsky then tells the writers that he considers these threats inappropriate and impolite. He tells them they should work regardless of whether or not he can receive their delegation of representatives. He states: The working class should give an example of discipline instead of threats of sabotage." He finishes with "I won't start any explanation of why I made my decision and won't accept any letter with threats."He signs it in large letters, "Trotsky." Its doubtful if the writers of the letter lived to see 1919.